How Christian Will Behave in God’s Kingdom (Matthew 5:1-12) Speaker: Elder Kenny McMullen
Re-born to Obedience (James 1:18-27) Speaker: Mr. Andy Harned
The High Priestly Prayer – Part 2 (John 17) Speaker: Pastor Sam Brindley
The High Priestly Prayer – Part 1 (John 17 ) Speaker: Pastor Sam Brindley
Take Heart; I Have Overcome The World (John 16:5-33) Speaker: Pastor Sam Brindley
Hated by the World (John15:18-16:4) Speaker: Pastor Sam Brindley
I Am The True Vine (John 15: 1-17) Speaker: Pastor Sam Brindley
The Triune God and The Christian (John 14: 15-31) Speaker: Pastor Sam Brindley
I Am The Way, The Truth, & The Life (John 14:1-14) Speaker: Pastor Sam Brindley
Love One Another (John 13: 21-38) Speaker: Pastor Sam Brindley