Do Not Be Afraid (John 6:14-21) Speaker: Pastor Sam Brindley
Wading the Waters of Judgement (1 Thessalonians 5:1-24) Speaker: Guest Pastor Ronnie Spicer
Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand (John 6:1-15) Speaker: Pastor Sam Brindley
They That Bear Witness About Me (John 5:30-47) Speaker: Pastor Sam Brindley
The True Gospel (Galatians 1:1-9) Speaker: Elder Ken McMullen
The Father and the Son (John 5:19-29) Speaker: Pastor Sam Brindley
Take Up Your Bed and Walk (John 5:1-17) Speaker: Pastor Sam Brindley
Your Son Will Live (John 4:43-54) Speaker: Pastor Sam Brindley
The Importance of a Kingdom Perspective (Galatians 6:7-10) Speaker: Mr. Derek DeCru
The Fields are White for Harvest (John 4:15-45) Speaker: Pastor Sam Brindley