A Weak-Kneed Nation

Published November 5, 2014 by AV Team in featured

a.png 15b They followed worthless idols and themselves became worthless . . . 20 Therefore the LORD rejected all the people of Israel; he afflicted them and gave them into the hands of plunderers, until he thrust them from his presence.

2 Kings 17:15b, 20 (NIV)

A strong, growing economy is no reliable indicator of God’s favor. Neither is military might, generous life expectancy, nor technological advancement. The only sure way to determine a nation’s greatness in God’s eyes is to observe what the people worship—to see when they bow their knees.

Assyria defeated Israel, because Israel’s theology was fatally flawed. It was not on account of corrupt politics, a weak military, or a flagging economy. The people had sinned against Yahweh by prostrating themselves before other gods.

What was the nature of that idolatrous theology?

•It was adulterous; they exchanged the God who had brought them out of Egypt for the deities of surrounding nations (vv. 7-8).
•It was second-rate; they worshiped gods whom Yahweh had defeated. (v. 8).
•It was pervasive; every area of national life was affected (vv. 9-10).
•It was obstinate; they were “stiff-necked” in worship of idols in the face of God’s decree, covenant, and warnings (v. 14, 15).
•It was faithless; they did not trust in the Lord their God (v. 14).
•It was condemned; the Lord exiled them to Assyria (v. 20).
God’s verdict on Israel was striking. He rejected them and orchestrated their defeat because they had become as worthless as the idols they worshipped. A nation that bows down to useless idols is itself useless in God’s eyes.

The Lord no longer has a covenant with any political nation. His covenant now is with His people, the Church. Nevertheless, God has promised to punish wickedness wherever it may be found. By worshipping other gods, entire nations may plunge themselves into perilous evil. The Bible’s warning about idolatry, therefore, is not simply for the Church, but for the nation as well.

Idolatry is not just a person’s bowing down to a stone figurine. Idolatry has more to do with where one’s trust lies. Economic indicators, stock prices, and mutual funds may become just as idolatrous as totem poles if people value them above God. The people of Israel genuflected before statues while modern man bows before things as fleeting as sensuality, fame, health, power, and money.

article adapted from Kairos Journal

First Baptist Church of Perryville is located across from the Principio Health Center on Rt. 40 in Perryville, MD

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