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The mention of the word modesty conjures up images of women in petticoats and bonnets. It has become an outdated notion instead of a desirable trait. Christians are wise to remember that modesty is biblically mandated. It is an attitude that starts in the heart and works outward. As we narrow our look at modesty to the issue of clothing, it is easily observed that when women of the world head out in the morning, they are not concerned about appearing modest. Instead, most women are heading out hoping that they are in vogue, in fashion and not wearing last […]

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The “Simon Says” Jury/Choir

The children’s choir and the youth choir worked together to present their spring cantata. It was an enjoyable presentation that also taught us truth from the Bible. The premise was that Simon Peter was on trial for falsely claiming that Jesus Christ was the promised Messiah. Through song and drama, evidence was presented to confirm that Jesus claimed to be Messiah and proved it by miracles.

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Revival: God responds to prayer!

The Revival of 1857-1858 In 1857 there were 30,000 men idle on the streets of New York. Drunkenness was rampant, and the nation was divided by slavery. God raised up a praying businessman, Jeremiah Lanphier. On September 23, 1957 he began a noontime prayer meeting on Fulton Street in the financial district of Manhattan. Out of a city of 1 million people, six people showed up a half hour late for the first prayer meeting. The group decided to meet the next week and there were 14 present. The next week there were 23. The following week there were 40. […]

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